It is the responsibility of the visitors or users of this website to read the General Conditions of Use that are detailed. The use or access to this site implies the knowledge and full acceptance of each and every one of the legal warnings and general conditions that, at any time, may be established by IBI Components Appliances, SL Also, the use of certain services that this site may Making available to users will imply acceptance, without reservation, of the particular conditions, warnings or instructions that IBI Components Appliances, SL could establish at any time with a specific, substitute or complementary nature to those of these general conditions.
In general, access to the content provided by IBI Components Appliances, SL will be free and free, and users will not be required to provide personal data, or subscribe, or use passwords or passwords, except for access restricted to the client section of IBI Components Appliances, SL, if any.
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In compliance with Law 34/2002 of July 11, on information society services and electronic commerce, we inform you that the owner of the domain is owned by:
IBI Components Appliances, SL
Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Alicante, diario 293, asiento 1075 con Cif B54747423
C/León 2
03440 IBI (Alicante)
Phone: +34 965 551 583
The source code, the graphic designs, the images, the photographs, the sounds, the animations, the software, the texts, as well as the information and the contents that are included in this website are protected by the Spanish legislation on rights. of intellectual and industrial property in favor of IBI Components Appliances, SL and the total or partial reproduction and / or publication of the website is not allowed, nor its computer processing, its distribution, its dissemination, nor its modification, transformation or decompilation , nor other rights legally recognized to its owner, without the prior written permission of IBI Components Appliances, SL.
The user, solely and exclusively, can use the material that appears on this website for their personal and private use, its use for commercial purposes or to engage in illegal activities is prohibited. All rights derived from intellectual property are expressly reserved by IBI Components Appliances, SL.
IBI Components Appliances, SL will ensure compliance with the above conditions as well as the proper use of the content presented on its web pages, exercising all civil and criminal actions that correspond to it in the event of infringement or breach of these rights by the user.